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Alex Beeston
"D'awwwww "
Allie Westrick
"She is precious!! <3 "
Bev Williams
"Awww. I did that with Roxy only sat it in the play pen. ..."
"The second one was better. I could watch her all day, she is ..."
"It could take hours, one hiccup at a time!! Why don't you use ..."
© 2025 Nina Sophia.
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Babies keep you busy, no chance for doing updates, but got some time on Easter, so updating now… Nina smiles easily, and is generally quiet and well behaved,…
Recent Comments
Alex Beeston
"D'awwwww "
Allie Westrick
"She is precious!! <3 "
Bev Williams
"Awww. I did that with Roxy only sat it in the play pen. ..."
Bev Williams
"The second one was better. I could watch her all day, she is ..."
Bev Williams
"It could take hours, one hiccup at a time!! Why don't you use ..."