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Alex Beeston
"D'awwwww "
Allie Westrick
"She is precious!! <3 "
Bev Williams
"Awww. I did that with Roxy only sat it in the play pen. ..."
"The second one was better. I could watch her all day, she is ..."
"It could take hours, one hiccup at a time!! Why don't you use ..."
© 2025 Nina Sophia.
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Since you can’t let babies sleep on stomach, you have to exercise them by giving them a few minutes a day on their stomach. Nina really didn’t like…
Recent Comments
Alex Beeston
"D'awwwww "
Allie Westrick
"She is precious!! <3 "
Bev Williams
"Awww. I did that with Roxy only sat it in the play pen. ..."
Bev Williams
"The second one was better. I could watch her all day, she is ..."
Bev Williams
"It could take hours, one hiccup at a time!! Why don't you use ..."