And we are past the due date….

As Dec 12th passes, Nina seems to have hunkered in for a long winter. I tried having a talk with her about her time being up, and we were ready to introduce her to the world, but she was having none of it.

I told her it’s better to come before Christmas, and the earlier the better, so her future friends would be able to come over for birthday parties. She didn’t seem to care.

So I guess the long wait is on, and Nina has already learned to manipulate her parents and control her destiny.

Or, perhaps, like myself and my siblings, she would prefer to be fashionably late.

Either way, she will be out eventually, and the annoyingly extended post date period will be a flash of memory that will soon be diminished and forgotten.

But at the moment, it’s still a pain in the neck.

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1 Comment

  1. Bruce Beeston

    LOL. Sounds like Mom. Miss Nina is on her own schedule.

    About her controlling things, your sisters had me wrapped around their little fingers at age 5 minutes. I bet Haley did the same with you. So will Nina. Happens to most fathers of daughters.

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